down by the yarra, i see a reflection

7 Jun

Ahh! How did we get here? June 7th – blog due at 5pm today!

Indeed, this is the case. So it’s time for a little reflection on the journey all things mel-born has taken (cue sentimental music…)

While I have loved this blogging experience, there have certainly been a few bumps along the way.

1. Sticking to an intended timeline

Wide eyed at the start of the project, I was full of hope to blog nearly every day, with the intention of perhaps creating three posts minimum per week! Ha! That didn’t happen. I always wanted this blog to be about Melbourne, but how it did that, I found changed a lot along the way. Consequently, it took me a while to actually get into the meat of the core tasks, as I was distracted (and admittedly, enjoying) experimenting with non-assessment posts. This actually helped in defining the structure of the blog. I soon came to realise that talking about anything and everything in Melbourne was a huge task, and as a student with limited time (not to mention this was only one subject of my semester) I really needed to narrow the scope for my content. By attempting to modify the blog into much more of an online journal/scrapbook, rather than a ‘one stop shop’ for reviews and social comment, I felt that all things mel-born gained greater authority as an information source, and of course, increased focus.

The downside of all this, was that I started to panic as the semester drew to a close. For now, my blog is very much non assessment posts, then assessment posts (bang, bang, bang, bang) which is not ideal. I would have liked to have intergrated them more, but then I feel I wouldn’t have had as much growth.

2. Niche blogging is a great angle

Before commencing, all things mel-born, I had another Word Press blog. It was much more generalised though, and I’d never really gotten into a frequent posting schedule, nor progressed past nonchalant thoughts and random pop culture snipits. By identifying a niche for this blog, I found that not only does it improve your content and layout (because as mentioned, they bear greater authority) but it gives you a purpose to write. A niche, give people a purpose to visit, rather than establishing “just another Word Press blog”.

I have since deleted by old blog without any apprehension. I feel much more proud of this one. I hope that it is informative and fun, while still allowing me to have my personal touches (my Melb). It’s been pretty funny also, to hear my peers bring up so casually in conversation comments like,  “Oh yeah, I read that on your blog” – which is assuring in many ways. It means that I must be getting something right!

My friends and associates are more or less, my intended readership and to hear that they are in fact reading my posts (and not just having a quick look because they are my mates and I want them to…) is extremely encouraging.

3. Critical reflection

Obligingly taking the course material into consideration when developing the blog was definitely helpful. Although initially, it came across as having to be forced and a little tedious, it really did allow for a greater thought process. By analysing how your blog would practically function, how and why people might read it, ways of going about getting them to read it, and the value you placed on your content, I developed a real respect for my blog, and for the whole blogging process. 

4. Marketing all things mel-born

Most of the viewers to my blog had been directed from Facebook, Twitter or the Net Communications page. This was a result of my shameless self-promotion on the social networking sites, and was aided I can assume, by the fact that all things mel-born appeared highly on the alphabetized Net Comm blogroll. In the future, it would be hard to compete with the already well-established Melbourne blogs for a greater audience. Seeing as I am not writing for profit, and have no reason as to why people would be interested to read about my city life (i.e. I’m not famous), it would be a great challenge to extend my social boundaries.

5. Technical difficulties

Haha WORD PRESS TEMPLATES! The bane of my existence in this blog. If I was really keen, I would consider upgrading to enable the customisable CSS in the future. Of course, it would then become inevitable that I hire a web designer/take practical classes.

Before this turns into “all things mel-born, the truth behind the interface”, I shall stop. But, if you’re all keen enough, this little corner of the web is one I am eager to keep alive.

Keep sprawling the city, and I’ll see you soon!

Mel xx

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